As the great Sam Cooke said, “Change gonna come.”
And indeed, change is coming to the world of competitive fitness, with its athletes leading the movement.
Rather than hiring one coach to support all of their training needs (conditioning, strength, olympic lifting, gymnastics, etc.) many of the top athletes in this week’s CrossFit Games™ have sought out specialist coaches that are best-in-class in their niche.
Though this may seem like a subtle shift in the landscape, it is a significant marker of an evolution in the sport.
Exemplifying this evolution, podium hopeful Noah Ohlsen smartly taps the best experts in each domain of his sport to speed his progression (for conditioning and skill, Dogtown CrossFit’s Dusty Hyland; for strength and olympic lifts, California Strength’s Dave Spitz). Similarly, last year’s Fittest Woman on Earth™, Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet, leans on her husband Dave Lipson for GPP training, but seeks the support of Chris Hinshaw and Sean Lind for their specific expertise in endurance and gymnastics.
This specialization fosters faster growth, more precision, and more focused attention.
These athletes smartly let the best do what they do best. They’re not unique, just ahead of the curve.
It’s all just part of the natural evolution of any game.
So whether it’s the fitness game or the business game, the lesson’s the same:
Amidst increasing competition, specialize if you want to excel.
At TrainHeroic, we take that philosophy to heart and apply it daily in our product and business strategy.
We are, and always will be, about helping coaches drive performance.
That’s it.
And, primary to the performance needs of many coaches, is having a client management, billing, and scheduling system that is best-in-class.
Today we’re excited to announce a partnership that allows us to deliver even more value to our coach and Box owner customers.
We’ve integrated our robust coaching, instructional, and tracking solutions with Front Desk, an incredibly user-friendly, feature rich, and powerful tool that measures up to the quality and authenticity we stand for.
Together, Front Desk Pro and TrainHeroic offer an all-in-one solution that allows you to grow your business far beyond the four walls of your Box.
The Background on the Partnership
For a short time, we considered building our own client management system.
But, rather than attempting to cover the near infinite range of functions necessary to support the Box owner, and risk being an “inch deep and mile wide” on all features and functions, we opted to take the position of being the absolute best in our area of expertise: Training.
Like Noah, Camille, and many of the other top CrossFitters in this week’s CrossFit Games™, we tap experts in other areas of the tech world to provide a spot so we can optimize our performance and better serve our customers.
By teaming up with Front Desk, our team can apply 110% of its focus on accelerating and expanding our offerings for program management, expert instruction, athlete analytics, and motivation; while leaving the scheduling, revenue reporting, and attendance tracking to our seamless and mobile-first partner: Front Desk.
So instead of one system that is “jack of all trades, master of none,” with Front Desk and TrainHeroic, Box owners get two integrated specialists that excel in their own trade and provide best-in-class solutions to support the diverse needs of their Box’s growth.
All for one flat price of $249.
No hidden costs. No penalties for growing. No set up fees.
The post Power Partnership: TrainHeroic with FrontDesk Pro appeared first on TrainHeroic.